
Visualising Victoria’s Groundwater (VVG)



Client: Federation University Australia

Produced: 2014

Length: 10.36 minutes

Visualising Victoria’s Groundwater (VVG) is a web-based system which collates scientific data on Victoria’s groundwater from many sources in real time and represents it visually on a map. Developed by the Geology department and the Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI) at Federation University Australia, the VVG project is not only a revolutionary way to explore groundwater data, it is an innovative and collaborative approach to public data sharing which responds to user needs yet respects the custodians of data. In an era where big data, open public data and high-speed broadband is transforming the way we use and access information, this project has inspired a rethink in policy and research circles on what is possible and provides a practical model of how data custodians can work together. The simple act of representing complex data on a map has sparked spin-off projects in many different disciplines, from history to fire management, and has led to new uses and applications the original planners did not think possible. The project proves that people with passion for their science and its data can work together to achieve great things.

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Produced by:
Jary Nemo and Lucinda Horrocks
Production Company:
Wind & Sky Productions
Directed and edited by:
Jary Nemo
Executive Producer:
Helen Thompson
Peter Dahlhaus, Helen Thompson, Andrew MacLeod, Brett Miller, Brendan Cossens, Matthew Currell and Kirsten McKenna
Camera and Sound:
Jary Nemo
Research and Interviews:
Lucinda Horrocks
With thanks to:
The Department of Environment and Primary Industries Victoria, Goulburn-Murray Water, Norm Suckling, Kirsten McKenna, Hayley Collins and the staff at the Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation, Federation University Australia.
VVG would not be possible without the support of:
The Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation and the School of Science, Information Technology and Engineering at Federation University Australia, the Department of State Development, Business and Innovation, the Integrated Catchment Assessment and Management Centre at Australian National University, Department of Environment and Primary Industries, Victoria, the Geological Survey of Canada at Natural Resources Canada, the National Geoscience Information Infrastructure – Minerals Down Under Flagship at CSIRO, the Victorian eResearch Strategic Initiative, Goulburn-Murray Water, Thiess Services Pty Ltd, Senversa Pty Ltd, the Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information, the Groundwater Systems Research Group at the Queensland University of Technology and the Victorian Mineral Water Committee.
Commissioned by:
Federation University Australia.
Distribution License:
Free to distribute online under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 conditions, all other use requires permission.
Copyright with:
© Federation University Australia and Wind & Sky Productions Pty Ltd 2014.