
Welcome to the Wind & Sky Productions blog.

We hope this blog will be a repository of things interesting, things memorable and things readable in the Wind & Sky Productions world. Here we will post a mixture of production questions and answers, stories about our films, stories about other people’s films, things which inspire us, and things which may be useful for those considering commissioning a film. We may even add some guest posts to spice things up.

This blog is a new journey for us. It might seem odd, for a digital film company to venture into writing territory.


The start of an old-fashioned journey.

But writing is a part of digital film-making. As is research, and planning, and technical proficiency, and a sensitivity to visual storytelling convention. Strip the process away, though, and it’s all at heart about the story.

And it’s stories about stories, about our company’s film-making journey, that we want to share most in this blog. After all, digital is just the latest tool that helps you do your work. Storytelling is a tradition. Told first by campfire out in the wind and the sky well before it reached the modern digital production studio.

So let’s embark. It’s time to set sail and see where this new storytelling voyage will take us. We hope you enjoy.


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