

Canoe Project Sheds Light on Hidden Aboriginal History

1 July 2015 (revised)

A new project about bark canoes reveals a forgotten history of encounters between Aboriginal Victorians and settlers in the 1800s.

On the rivers of remote colonial Victoria, 19th century European settlers depended on Aboriginal navigators and canoe builders to transport goods, mail and people.

A documentary and multimedia project, now live on Culture Victoria, explores this little known aspect of colonial history through a short documentary film, image gallery, audio interviews and three short educational essays.

The film was screened on the Big Screen at Fed Square every day from the 5-11 July 2015 as part of NAIDOC week 2015.

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‘Memories of War’ Project Now Accepting FedUni Student Submissions

The Memories of War project is now accepting FedUni student contributions. Submissions will be open until August 2015.

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Here. In a field of what I thought was cows.

The VVG Story.

by Lucinda Horrocks.

“How do you bring a story about technology and water science alive? That was our creative challenge with the Visualising Victoria’s Groundwater film.”

The mud sticks to our boots as we follow the cattle track, our heels sinking into the sodden earth, obliterating hoof prints. Thank God we remembered to bring boots, I think, as I cuddle the camera closer to my chest, my arms awkwardly clutched around the fragile box of plastic and buttons and glass it is my job to keep safe from the muck and the wet. The sky is a dark pattern of clouds but Jary has judged it won’t rain. He strides ahead up the hill carrying the tripod easily over his shoulder.

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‘Memories of War’ project is underway

Wind & Sky Productions is delighted to announce the launch of the ‘Memories of War’ project web site.

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Report of the First Week of December 2014

By Lucinda Horrocks 12 December 2014.

On the morning of the 3rd of December Jary and I woke blurry eyed, well before sunrise. At 3:30am we drove through a dark and silent Ballarat to Main Road, towards the glowing beacon of Sovereign Hill’s mining tower which after dark is always lit from below, where we joined a procession of cars in the otherwise empty street heading towards the museum’s entrance. At the brightly-lit reception, smiling staff in period costume ushered us, the blinking and the bewildered, into the museum’s 19th century streets.

So it started at 3am on the third of December. And it didn’t stop until Sunday the 7thth. In a special week, we got to celebrate many events to do with projects we have worked on over the last five years. Trust me, weeks like this are unusual.

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Event: Eureka Stories

Stories of Eureka

On December 3 1854, in Ballarat, a group of gold miners clashed with the local authorities in a bloody encounter which influenced the course of democracy in Australia.

We’ve been busy at Wind & Sky creating four digital stories about people connected to the Eureka Stockade for the Museum of Australian Democracy at Eureka (M.A.D.E Ballarat).

Come help us celebrate the launch of our films and the 160th anniversary of Eureka. There are a series of events on the actual anniversary day the 3rd of December and on the weekend of the 6-7 December.

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The Theatre with the Grand-Sounding Name

The Ballarat National Theatre, Gertrude Johnson, and the Australian National Theatre Movement by Lucinda Horrocks.

The Ballarat National Theatre is a local amateur dramatic society with a surprisingly grand-sounding name. It is one of the longest-running community theatre groups in Australia, for which it deserves celebration. But the company’s name reveals another fact worth celebrating. It has a rare, ongoing connection to a foundational episode in the cultural history of Australia – the Australian National Theatre Movement.

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Wind & Sky Productions on Culture Victoria

27 June 2014

Wind and Sky Productions has launched two stories on Culture Victoria: ‘Bull Allen’ and ‘Savoy Ladies Group.’

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Report of the Savoy Ladies Group Film Launches

29 April 2014

Article by Lucinda Horrocks. Photograph by Samantha Dinning.

One of our favourite things is to meet audiences at film screenings and Q&A events.

On Thursday the 13th of March and Saturday the 29th of March Lucinda, Jary and Sam had the great pleasure of showing the ‘Savoy Ladies Group’ to the community of Myrtleford and Melbourne in two special screenings.

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The History of the Savoy Ladies Group

By Samantha Dinning.

Rural women in Australia have a long history of collectivity, of joining together to face problems, to offer support and to provide service to their communities.

In a small sub-Alpine pocket of North-East Victoria, among ancient gum forests and granite rock, a group of women have offered vital friendship and support to each other every fortnight for the past 30 years. Comprised of women with Italian heritage based in the Myrtleford district, The Savoy Ladies Group, has been, and today is, an important part of a community that has faced both prosperity and hardship. Their story is one of friendship and solidarity and is an example of the strength of both migrant communities and women in rural Australia.

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